Monday, June 12, 2006

I Found A Great Spindle!

I spend a lot of time in the car riding with my sons. Then I set there. I try to bring my knitting with me but it seems like I always get lost in the pattern if I try to knit away from home. I was surfing around and found the neatest idea. I have used everything from an ink pen to a used spark plug to spin with. Even got so hard up one day I bought cotton balls at a drug store and spent the afternoon stuck in the car spinning away with them and a pencil. But this spindle, actually a Rakestra Spinner is the absolute greatest idea for car spinning I have ever seen. For new spinners the park and draft method would make it a snap to learn to spin. Instead of needing all that overhead arm room and hearing the thud of a real 'drop' spindle doing it's thing now spinning is possible on my own side of the car. No more arms wildly waving in the air. My son hates that! Ok it does look like I am directing traffic or an orchestra. But not anymore. Look out Kevin and Harold, Here I come!

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