Sunday, May 27, 2007

Maybe It Is Time To Get Serious?

I don't want to spend another summer just setting around waiting on the 'fat fairy' to rescue me. So I decided I am gonna put in my request. The boys always ask me what I would really like to have. Well here it is. I used to have one about 15 years ago. Used it too. Then due to a home fire I didn't have it anymore. I tried walking, I stumble and fall. I tried a Tony Little Gazelle, nice if you can stand on your legs a long time. Hmmm...

Maybe this summer will be my turn for a change. Now I am hunting around for those videos you can watch while you ride or walk.

Anyone else use a bike? How did it work for you?
I would sure like to hear your exercise and diet story.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Naming the new socks

I like those names, am leaning towards Cathedral. I like that too. any other suggestions?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Lilac Socks ------ and the ------Barbara Shawl email me

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Lorna's Laces New Socks

I am really having fun with this new pattern. Needs a name now?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Nina's New Sweater

I love you Nina!
You look very pretty in your new sweater.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

And What Did You Knit Over The Weekend??

This Yarn Grows Up To Be This Color!

Thank you Lovisa!

Thank You! I don't know how you knew about what day was coming up but thank you Lovisa!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Click On Titles Below for Larger Picture.

dont forget the Barbara Shawl and Lilac Socks Pattern are still free and available.

Smore Knitting?

The cutest Pic HERE. just scroll down until you see smore knitting. How cute!

Jordan's Big Day.

Guess what the UPS man brought today? More pics HERE.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Now this is cute.

If you knit, go HERE for a good show.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I Love To Knit !! Playtime!

Yes that really is 10 knitting needles. Ten. The more challege I can get the better I like it and this is as tricky as it gets.

May Is A Wonderful Time of Year!

i love may. it is the month for mother's day and my birthday
and spring comes and i love the smell of the grass and flowers.

best wishes to everyone. I am happy that my friend 'B' is going to be able to have surgery. i am happy that i have a friend like 'B'. What a blessing she is to me.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Titles Of Sock Patterns

It was suggested to me, by the kids, that instead of the names I have been giving the patterns I should call them names like Altenator for the Truck, Engine Gasket for the Car, or Van Transmission. It doesn't exactly describe the lace used but maybe it is a more accurate description of the patterns. My grandson wants to know if I can title one New Fishing Pole. I think he has designs of his own!! I think I finally got me a fishing buddy.

Looks like summer is here. I am glad to see the peonies coming up and all the new leaves on the rose bushes. Lawn needs mowing already.

Monday night I was setting in the back yard in the rain watching son Harold finish getting the van running so he could go to work Tuesday morning. He told me he was gonna go try it out, be right back. It took me over half an hour setting there in the rain like a dummy to figure out he didn't mean 'right back' like I thought he did. I finally came in the house and called him. He was fixing the tail pipe over at his friend's house. Wonder how long I would have set out there in the back yard if it hadn't been raining? I was not the brightest light bulb in that pack for sure.

Anyone have any suggestions for new patterns you would like to see? Yarn? Color?

Prayers For Someone So Special

A Gaurdian Angel For You

My very dear friend has health issues. I wish that everyone would send prayers and love her way. You are important to many of us. I am thinking good positive thoughts for you with every stitch I knit.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Socks Pattern

If you are interested in purchasing
the pattern click the button for it
on the right side of this page.
Click on pic for larger image.